Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Wants Michael Jackson Song “Ben” As Anthem

PETA Wants Michael Jackson Song “Ben” As Anthem

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 30th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Singers, Videos.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a group which sometimes criticized Michael Jackson for his use and treatment of animals, has written to the family of the late singer to request permission to use his song, “Ben” as a means to draw attention to rats used in laboratories.

“Ben,” is a song written for Michael in the 70s on the Motown label about a boy and his pet rat for a film with the same title.

PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman told WENN, “Michael Jackson’s hit has always been a moving testament to the power of empathy for animals.”

“If more people could be inspired by his song to stop supporting the cruel and ineffective animal-testing industry, it would be a fitting and enduring tribute to this talented performer.”

“They don’t see you as I do. I wish they would try to. I’m sure they’d think again. If they had a friend like Ben.”

We have to stop writing because those lyrics are putting tears in our eyes. Watch the video to see a very young Michael, probably barely 13, perform “Ben.”

via contactmusic.com

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2 Responses to “PETA Wants Michael Jackson Song “Ben” As Anthem”

  1. PETA Wants Michael Jackson Song “Ben” As Anthem | Huges Mews Says:

    […] The rest is here:  PETA Wants Michael Jackson Song “Ben” As Anthem […]

  2. Frank Says:

    Again, “animal rights activist” put there “beliefs” aside for there own gain. If I remember correctly, PETA has come out against using animals of any kind in movies. They have openly condemned Mr. Jackson for his use of elephants in concert and animals at his Never Land Ranch. Now they want to benefit from his use of rats. In my experience, animal right activist have always ignored their own beliefs when it’s about their own health, wellbeing, and benefit. When they get cancer, have heart disease, need an operation of any kind, they take it, forgetting their “belief” in animal rights. This is a new low for PETA; they are ethically and morally bankrupt.