Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Dan Piraro Says Hard To Let Foster Animals Go

20th Anniversary Genesis Awards - Show

“It is hard sometimes because some have such great personalities, but you get used to it. It becomes a mind-set where we known these two are staying, these two are going. I also know I’m doing a good thing, because if I kept them, pretty soon I’d have no room to foster anymore. So, I’m saving a lot of lives by sending them along.”

—Vegan Cartoonist Dan Piraro, in an interview with Vegetarian Times for the July/August issue. Dan and his wife, Ashley Lou, bring a zoo of animals into their homes to care for until homes are found. Check out his comics at bizarro.com.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Dan Piraro Says Hard To Let Foster Animals Go”

  1. Allie Says:

    I would love to foster animals, but I live in an apartment.

    When I finally own a home, it’s going to be all squirrels, chickens, cats, dogs, and who knows what else.