Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavey Havok Is Ethically And Ethnically Handsome

DBTV: Davey Havok of AFI (1 of 3) from The Discerning Brute on Vimeo.

Davey Havok does a three part interview with blogger Joshua Katcher @ The Discerning Brute.

Part one goes into how a man can be ethically handsome. Davey misheard Joshua and thought he said “ethnically” handsome, which results in some laughter, since Davey is of Italian heritage and Joshua is Jewish.

“Having ethical beauty is something that is very rare in our world,” Davey said.

Davey stays ethically handsome by following a vegan diet and even has his own vegan clothing line.

“I am definitely, personally, an environmentalist by way of being vegan,” Davey continues. “If the world were vegetarian or vegan, the impact that it would have on the environment or biosphere would be far greater than if people stopped driving cars.”

Part 2 and 3 of the interview series go live Wednesday and Thursday at Thediscerningbrute.com.

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