Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby Teany Update: Kelly Tisdale Plans To Rebuild

Teany Beverage Launch Party

Earlier we brought you the news that Teany, the cafe and restaurant Moby co-founded with ex girlfriend Kelly Tisdale, was badly damaged by a fire.

At the time, Moby wasn’t sure what Kelly’s plans were for re-building, but now it looks as though Teany may be up and running in a couple of months.

On his online journal, Moby gave this update:

“teany burned up the other day, but apparently kelly is working hard to repair it and get it re-opened. so there’s a good chance that teany will re-open at some point in the next month or two. i will put news here on moby.com as i find out about it.”

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One Response to “Moby Teany Update: Kelly Tisdale Plans To Rebuild”

  1. Moby’s Teany Cafe Destroyed In Fire Says:

    […] Update: Alas, Teany will rise again! See link. […]