Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge Carlin: Picking Up Vegan Food To Go NOT Awesome!

George Carlin: Picking Up Vegan Food To Go NOT Awesome!

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 22nd, 2009 in Comedians, Food & Drink.

Jersey Girl New York Premiere

Susan Sisko at the Huffington Post got to spend a moment with late comedian George Carlin during the week he passed, which was exactly one year from today on June 22, 2008.

Sisko was getting food at the then new bakery/cafe annex to vegan restaurant Real Food Daily, when George was handed a bag of vegan food “to-go” and the guy at the counter told him, “Awesome.”

No, this wasn’t awesome and George made sure the counter boy knew it.

“No…” George said. “Picking up vegan food to-go is not awesome.” He then went into a rant about all things that were awesome, like the sun and sky.

Did George mean vegan food taste like the brown bag he took it home in? Or would he rather have ate in the restaurant, it only being “not awesome” that he had to brown bag it?

Great scholars will study these last words for centuries until a much younger, poor miso ramen eating graduate student cracks the code, upsetting them, stealing fame and fortune.

Until then, the enigma remains.

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2 Responses to “George Carlin: Picking Up Vegan Food To Go NOT Awesome!”

  1. PB Says:

    I think it was just George’s dry and black humor getting one of its last remarks in during his lifetime.

    Wish we could know what the cashier said after George gave him the lecture.

  2. Lisa Selvaggio Says:

    I think what Carlin was probably getting at was the actual meaning of the word “awesome.” He loved doing this – taking the meanings of words and pointing out how we misuse terms daily.

    Awesome really means “inspiring awe,” and the word Awe means “an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.”

    Therefore, according to Carlin’s impeccable logic, picking up vegan food at some restaurant would not be “awesome” according to the actual meaning of the term. However, the sun and the sky, natural wonders, have always and will always inspire great awe in all living things, and are, indeed, awesome.

    Don’t look too deeply into it, just understand where the man was coming from.