Quantcast Vegetarian StarUgly Betty’s Ana Ortiz: How About A Veg, Eco Baby!

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Ugly Betty star Ana Ortiz is about to give birth any minute now!

She recently chatted with Celebrity Baby Blog on her plans to bring the child up as eco friendly as possible.

“And for me, I’ve been really lucky to get all of this yummy organic clothing, and my nursery is all organic and eco-friendly. My daughter’s just going to be really hip! My goal is to be as eco-conscious as possible: There’s so much out there for parents who want to do that. I plan to keep her eco-friendly as she gets older. I think we all sort of have to do it. I’m lucky enough to be able to do it, so we just have to drive the market toward it so it becomes more possible to make and more accessible to consumers. People will realize how much easier and better it is to be local and organic. But it’s just not available to everyone right now.”

We’d like to do a little PSA for vegetarianism and remind Ana how easy it is to be EXTREMELY eco friendly by just going veg!

She and baby would lighten their carbon footprint tremendously by taking meat off the plate. By going vegetarian, they’d help reduce the number of livestock gas emissions and free up land space to grow plant crops for humans, versus farms animals. Not to mention what a better way to bring a baby in the world and teach it about kindness than instructing it to refrain from partaking in the cruelty of killing and eating animals.

Go veg, Ana. There’s nothing ugly about that!

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One Response to “Ugly Betty’s Ana Ortiz: How About A Veg, Eco Baby!”

  1. The Green Quote: Ugly Betty’s Ana Ortiz Has Super Eco Baby // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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