Quantcast Vegetarian StarMethod Man, Redman Give Tips For Vegetarians, Good Skin Care

Method Man, Redman Give Tips For Vegetarians, Good Skin Care

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 16th, 2009 in Actors, Male Singers.

Fox Network New Season Launch Event

Method Man is truly a vegetarian metrosexual. Not only does he have good taste in food, he knows how to keep his skin looking pretty.

He and Redman gave some tips for being vegetarian and healthy like filling up on edamame, which according to Method Man, has skin purifying qualities.

Redman lost weight by shunning McDonald’s (which obviously helps in staying the vegetarian course) and Method Man says hit up Whole Foods like it’s the mecca for hot ladies, citing their variety of fake meat crumbles and veggie burger collections.

The guys are sharing the veg secret everywhere, as they even have a veggie reference in one of their songs on their latest album Blackout! Vol. 2.

via Buzzworthy.mtv.com

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One Response to “Method Man, Redman Give Tips For Vegetarians, Good Skin Care”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    LOL! Who would have thought he’d push edamame for its “skin purifying qualities?”

    Time I take some beauty tips from a rapper.