Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Digs “I’m Yours” Remix, Not McDonald’s Setting

Byron Bay Bluesfest 2009 - Day 5

Some fans got together and did a remix of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours,” from his album, We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things.

Everything’s cool and all except the fact that it’s filmed at MCDONALD’S and features people ordering all SORTS OF NASTY MEAT DISHES!

Of course, raw vegan Jason is cool about it and let’s people know on his Myspace blog, that while he’s not down with McDonald’s, he’s down with people having fun with his song.

“I’ve seen a lot of covers and heard a lot of parodies of “I’m Yours,” but this one is super sized. While I don’t advocate that brand of fast food, I dig what these talented people are doing by taking their art into the real world, being joyous and unafraid to shine their light in random acts, enrolling others in their wonderful state of play. This is life you guys. This is it. There ain’t no dress rehearsal. Order what you want.”

Seriously, people need to make an “I’m Yours,” remix at a vegan restaurant.

Watch the video for yourself.

via popdirt.com

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