Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Insists Dancing With The Stars Money Went To Viva!

Heather Mills Insists Dancing With The Stars Money Went To Viva!

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 11th, 2009 in Chefs, Models.

**EXCLUSIVE**Heather Mills hosts a healthy cooking day for families at the Bronx in New York

Heather Mills has just called out Huffington Post writer Roger Friedman who claims the former model and ex wife of Paul McCartney failed to donate her earnings from Dancing with the Stars to charitable organization Viva!, Vegetarians International Voice for Animals.

Heather wrote on her Twitter page:

“Dear Huffington post Roger freedman please take your lies off Wiki. All my fees from Dancing with the stars went to Viva after taxes not me.”

The Wikipedia quote read:

“Heather was eliminated from the show in the sixth week of the competition on 24 April 2007, donating £50,000 of her £110,000 fee for appearing on the show to Viva!, although she had previously said that she would donate her entire fee to animal rights groups.”

Other allegations of charities not receiving promised money from Heather have surfaced in the past, including one from Adopt-A-Minefield.

via monstersandcritics.com

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