Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnthony Bourdain On Gwyneth Paltrow: A Ham Refusing Bitch

Anthony Bourdain On Gwyneth Paltrow: A Ham Refusing Bitch

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Chefs.

2005 TCA Tour Day 5 - NCTA

Gwyneth Paltrow is no vegetarian saint.

But while filming Spain…On the road again with Mario Batali, she did refrain from eating many meats, including ham.

And Anthony Bourdain thinks she’s such a bitch for doing so.

From Ecorazzi.com:

“While on a panel with fellow foodie Mario Batali at Seattle’s Paramount theater last weekend, Bourdain poked fun at Batali’s PBS series Spain… On the Road Again; which featured the chef and Paltrow on a culinary tour of Spain. “Why would you go to Spain with the one bitch who refuses to eat ham?””

Now we know how he really feels about Paltrow.

Jerk? Funny? A little bit of both?

Personally, we’d like to see Gwyneth be an even bigger bitch and refuse every animal.

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