Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Gordon Ramsay Or Anthony Bourdain (Veg Haters Edition)

Celebrity chefs Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdain may be the biggest vegetarian haters in the world.

Bourdain thinks vegetarians are a pain in the rump, and calls their vegan counterparts, “Hezbollah-like splinter factions,” who are a “persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn.” Sorry to bother you, Anthony.

Gordon Ramsay wants to enforce a strict dietary policy with his children. He once said, “My biggest nightmare would be if the kids ever came up to me and said ‘Dad, I’m a vegetarian.’ Then I would sit them on the fence and electrocute them.”

Yep, Gordon would pull his hairs out at the site of a Boca burger. And if vegans irritate Anthony so much, we might as well have fun annoying him. So between the two veg hatin’ celebrity chefs, who would you rather…

2009 FOX UpFront after-party Food Bank For New York Citys Sixth Annual Can-Do Awards - Red Carpet

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