Quantcast Vegetarian StarHarold And Kumar Getting Veggie Burgers For Christmas

Harold And Kumar Getting Veggie Burgers For Christmas

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 5th, 2009 in Actors.

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

Harold and Kumar fans, be on the lookout for another film from the duo, A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas.

Vegetarian actor Kal Penn and co-star John Cho will begin filming early next year according to Entertainment Weekly. The film is set for release in November 2010.

By that time, Kal will have completed his White House stint as associate director in the White House Office of Public Liaison (OPL).

If you recall, in the first installment of the Harold and Kumar movies,  Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, when Harold and Kumar finally made it to the big castle, they gorged on little burgers.

The crew had some specially made vegetarian burgers for Kal, who played Kumar, to pig out on during the scene.

Kal is vegetarian for religious, ethical, and cultural reasons.

via comingsoon.net

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One Response to “Harold And Kumar Getting Veggie Burgers For Christmas”

  1. FaunaFearless Says:

    He is not a vegetarian anymore- take him off the list!