Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley Eats Rat Tail: Raw, But Not Vegan

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Don’t you hate it when you’re a vegan and you’re forced to eat rat’s tail in an eating contest on some reality TV show? It’s a bummer!

Episode one of I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here featured John Salley in an eating competition with Heidi Montag. The treat? Delicious rat tail. Salley swallowed ratatouille booty whole, while Heidi was ladylike and nibbled.

Could the menu on episode one, be the reason Heidi quit?

John Salley, the artist formerly known as vegan, had told several media sources he planned to eat raw and vegan while in the Costa Rica jungle. Rat tail’s raw alright, but definitely not vegan. Unless there’s some fake rodent meat substitute Whole Foods isn’t stocking at the moment.

Episode one and Salley is already breaking his veganness. What do you guys think about the situation? Did Salley naively think he could only eat vegan on the show?

via blog.zap2it.com

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3 Responses to “John Salley Eats Rat Tail: Raw, But Not Vegan”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I highly doubt he thought there would be vegan options. The show is like Fear Factor meets Survivor.

  2. Penny Says:

    I was saddened to see him participate in the challenge but at the same time, he is doing this for charity and perhaps he thought of the charity over his personal principles? Maybe? I don’t know. I often wonder if I was on survivor or amazing race or something similar whether I could hold onto my beliefs. Easy to judge others when we have a refrigerator full of options.

  3. John Salley Quits Worm Eating Contest: I’m A Celebrity Updates Says:

    […] early episode had John and Heidi Pratt duking it out in an eating contest that involved a rat’s tail. No points for staying vegan that week, […]