Quantcast Vegetarian StarConstance Marie Dines On Salad Every Night

Constance Marie Dines On Salad Every Night

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 2nd, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Genesis Awards 2009

Constance Marie (Angie Lopez on George Lopez) gave birth to baby Luna Marie 4 months ago and she’s looking as good as ever.

She revealed some of her post baby workout secrets to Celebrity Baby Blog along with the fact that she maintains a vegetarian diet, eating salads every evening.

The first reaction to this is yuck! Who wants to munch on overpriced arugula every night? Certainly not Barack Obama!

But vegetarian salads don’t have to be boring and remind you of pet grass.

Chickpeas, beans, and avocado make for lovely toss ins. Mock egg, tuna, or chicken salad imitate picnic favorites or hearty lunch bowls at work or home.

So it’s time to get our salad on! The Veggie Table has a list of every salad a vegetarian could combine with plant proteins and the produce section.

Give it up for deviled tofu, swiss chard with sesame seeds, and winter white bean to name a few.

Check out theveggietable.com for the rest.

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