Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlison Lohman’s Drag Me To Hell Has Vegetarian Sacrificing Animals. Okaaay.

Premiere Of Universal Pictures Drag Me To Hell - Arrivals

Alison Lohman stars in Drag Me To Hell, a horror movie about a really, really bad business decision.

Lohman plays a loan officer named Christine aspiring to be branch manager. She tries to impress the boss with her ability to make tough decision by, against her warm hearted instincts, turning down a loan extension to an old, gypsy woman.

Long story short, gypsy woman gets ticked off, follows Lohman to her car, attacks her, and puts a curse on her forever that ultimately results in Lohman falling onto train tracks before demons grab her and pull her into the pits of hell.

Before her demise, Lohman tries to undue her curse and save herself from damnation by sacrificing her pet kitten. Uncool. Very, uncool.

She again does something against her convictions, replying, “But I’m a vegetarian,” when told the evil spirits are kitty soul hungry.

What have we learned from this people?

1. Be nice to others during hard times and a recession. They just might curse you and your sky high interest rate.

2. Don’t forgo your vegetarian convictions because you think it will save your soul. Because you’ll be damned anyway. And in hell there are irate kitties, waiting to take their aggression out on you after putting up with years of the dog and toddler dressing them up in lingerie.

Note: Alison Lohman is a vegetarian and environmentalist in real life who would never sacrifice a cat in exchange for her soul.

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9 Responses to “Alison Lohman’s Drag Me To Hell Has Vegetarian Sacrificing Animals. Okaaay.”

  1. Kitten-Sacrificing Vegetarians and Ed Westwick’s Meaty Cooking // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] It’s not often we get a vegetarian moment in a horror movie, but director Sam Raimi’s new flick Drag Me To Hell decides to go for it. Opening this past weekend, the film involves a gypsy curse on a loan officer (for turning down her extension request, no less) and demons, naturally, dragging her to hell. Of course, our protagonist doesn’t want to be taken away that easily, and she fights to save her soul before it’s too late. The Vegetarian Star fill us in on the details: […]

  2. Natasha Says:

    What a horrible movie! I would never guess Alison is a veggie! She was in the movie Flicka and a horse died while filming since handlers were torturing the horse!

  3. Moviejunkie32 Says:

    I’m a film critic who is not reviewing the movie because I am bias against a film that kills an animal on screen for a laugh. Go to the AC Weekly blog site and you’ll see the reason I can’t review the film. My classic tabby cat Jordi would not approve and would curse me to hell!!

  4. Alison Lohman’s Kitten Sacrifice Drove Her To Tequila Says:

    […] Alison Lohman’s new movie, Drag Me To Hell, has her character sacrificing a kitten in a futile attempt to save her soul. […]

  5. Tippy Says:

    what breed of cat was on drag me to hell anyway?

  6. MG Says:

    It’s not done “on screen,” and it’s a gag. When did being a veggie (myself included) mean losing your sense of humor?

    Did you guys get this upset about the horse in “Animal House”?

  7. trish Says:

    I just saw this movie and i want everyone involved in it to die a horrible death!!!! I don’t have any problem with people dying but when you kill an animal or better said, you make people believe you killed a very small kitten, I just wish i had a gun to go a kill everyone!!! specially that stupid vegan actress who is obviously not that vegan, ’cause i don’t think a vegan would even pretend to do what she did!!!! I have 9 cats, all of them rescued and abused cats… and when you have seen the things people do to animals in real life, you have no patience about a stupid movie or a stupid person like MG who talks about humor¡????????? go see a human baby getting raped and killed and dismembered and laugh at that!!!! who can laugh at an animal being killed!!!!! I want everyone to go to hell, and by the way: I CURSE YOU ALL OF YOU ANMAL HATERS!!!! (sadly this doesn’t work and people are going to continue hurting animals, but I’m happy about the natural disasters, the tsunamis, twisters , the serial killers and everything that hurts humans!!!! I’m crying right now, this is how sick this movie is… I didn’t even want to see it in the first place, but my sister was watching it and called me when she saw the little kitten, she never thought that the people in this movie were assholes!!!

  8. trish Says:

    by the way, I’m sure my comment is not going to be published, But i wanted to say again that i hope everyone in this movie DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Amy Says:

    Trish, you’re a psycho. Calm down. It’s a movie, the cat never died.