Bristol Palin Eats Seal Pup Heart Like Michaelle Jean, Competes With Mom Sarah
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 29th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Humor, Politicians.
With the innocent face that Bristol Palin possesses, it almost seems too cruel to make fun of her.
After all, she is her own person, too young for the world to attack her simply because she shares genes with a particular 2008 vice presidential candidate the media loved to pounced on as well.
It’s downright unfair… And funny, hehehe.
The Spoof is at it again, this time choosing to poke fun of Canada governor general Michaëlle Jean slaughtering a seal, then eating its raw heart. Sounds like Jean’s got motherly instincts.
“Using a traditional Inuit ulu blade Palin, 19, chomped her way through the palpitating organ in an apparent gesture of one-upmanship with her moose-slaughtering mother Sarah.”
“”Yummy!” Bristol told press reporters who witnessed the sacrificial rite this weekend. “And so full of rich nutrients it almost makes ya wish you’re pregnant again!””
Apparently Bristol’s ex boy and baby daddy Levi Johnston is much, much older than we all thought. Find out his real age at Thespoof.com.
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