Michael Vick And Humane Society Best Friends Forever…Hopefully
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 26th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.
PETA wouldn’t take him, but the Humane Society of the United States has graciously offered to work with Michael Vick.
Vick is set to join the HSUS campaign against dogfighting.
From the Humane Society President and CEO Wayne Purcell’s blog:
“He said this experience has been a trauma and he’s changed forever. And he said he wants to show the American public that he is committed to helping combat this problem. He asked for an opportunity to help. I want to give him that opportunity. If he makes the most of it, and demonstrates a sincere, long-term commitment to the task, then it may prove to be a tipping point in our campaign to eradicate dogfighting. If he demonstrates a fleeting or superficial interest, then it will be his own failing, not ours. Our campaign will march forward regardless. It’s up to him, and we at The HSUS reserve judgment until he demonstrates that he’s part of the solution rather than a further part of the problem.”
The Humane Society has a dogfighting intervention program, which involves educating youth in at-risk inner city areas on the proper care of dogs.
Will this relationship between Vick and the HSUS last? For the sake of the pit bulls and the youth who admire Vick, we truly hope this interest in change is more than superficial.
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May 27th, 2009 at 1:14 pm
He so did not change. He loves to bs.
December 9th, 2010 at 6:04 am
Wayne Purcell is a hypocrite and a liar. He will do ANYTHING for the spotlight and his campaign that the US Humane Society does rescue work themselves is BUNK! I hope NO ONE donates money to this outrageous organization that has always been the public relations arm of all the horrible dog/cat pounds in the country. Their television commercials and seeing Wayne Purcell make me puke!! He is the LAST person I would give money to! If you want to donate money to help animals research local rescues in your community. Make sure to read their ‘no kill’ statement and READ it. Many rescues do kill animals instead of helping them so be cautious. WAYNE PURCELL IS HELPING MICHAEL VICK – THE MONSTER – LOOK LIKE A HERO. WAYNE PURCELL IS THE BIGGEST LIAR, COWARD AND THEFT OF DONATION MONEY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. DOWN WITH WAYNE PURCELL! THE MOST DESPISED MAN IN THE ANIMAL COMMUNITY!! FIRE WAYNE PURCELL!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 19th, 2010 at 10:15 am
This is a disgraceful how we have to endure seeing Vick shoved down out throats.It don’t even measure to the pain and suffering these poor dogs had to endure.Bred for fighting to be hung and shot and worn out from fighting.According to the news he threw his own domestic pets into the to the pit bulls.Face the facts,he did not do it for the money.He did it because he enjoyed the blood,suffering,screams and cries.There is something wrong with this world when someone like Vick is forgiven.A glorified animal murderer.I do not understand it.His children want a dog is a lot of bull.Did Daddy tell his children what he did and why they cannot have one.He is evil and souless.He has no soul
February 18th, 2011 at 3:28 pm
I cracked up at this quote: “…we at The HSUS reserve judgment…” (just to clarify- I laughed at the irony- not in joy)
I mean- how NICE of them to hold off on judging Vick to give him a chance to prove himself…
Would have been nice the HSUS had thought that it was important to reserve judgment on the dogs from the Vick fighting ring until after they had a chance to prove themselves… Instead the HSUS summarily and immediate judged ALL those dogs as incapable of being rehabilitated and demanded they be destroyed…
But, perhaps, when the HSUS claims to be a pro-animal organization, they mean animals like Michael Vick…
March 6th, 2013 at 9:32 pm
Just so you know, I will never support the Humane Society again. This is a hard and stupid slap in the face to all animal lovers! And you have the balls to say Best Friends Forever!!! So how do you abuse animals? Since you all are BFF!! He should of been buried along side all those animals he killed! You have not reserved judgement . . you got your pockets lined with abuser money! You are pro animals to the likes of Vicks and his money! So how many animals have you hung, shot , fought and killed? You are a low life just like he is. You two are two peas in a pod and the pod is made of Vicks $$. I think you should be fired for this STUPID partnership with Vicks! Maybe those of us who actually love our animals, without Vicks money, should get a petition together to get you out of the Humane Society. You sure don’t have the welfare of the animals as a concern, OBVIOUSLY! He is nothing but an animal abuser and you are in bed with him. SHAME ON YOU!
March 10th, 2013 at 6:04 am
This collaboration will help the animals. Everyone deserves a chance to make-up for their mistake. Wayne made a great decision.