Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Frequents Jivamukti Yoga School And Vegan Café

Hip hop mega mogul Russell Simmons doing his morning yoga and swimming routine

We know there will always be hot chicks at the yoga studio Russell Simmons visits, but now we know exactly where to find them.

The hip hop businessman likes putting himself into a pretzel at Jivamukti Yoga School in New York city where he can also visit their Vegan Café, featuring veggie soups and sandwiches.

If you’re not hungry, you can always get in the mood to shop at the retail store and pick up some vegan pet food or clothing made from natural and sustainable resources like hemp.

The founders of the school, Sharon Gannon and David Life, regularly host benefits for animal and environmental causes.

Lots of star sighting can take place here as celebrities like Sting and Uma Thurman have been known to pay a visit.

via Hollywoodscoop.com

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