Quantcast Vegetarian StarBenjamin Zephaniah: Best Vegan Restaurant Is In Beijing, China


Poet Benjamin Zephaniah recently interviewed with the UK Times Online and revealed when he visits China, he’s often challenged in several ways, including his vegan diet. 

“When I got to China I found I was being challenged in really interesting ways. For instance, I always believed that everybody in China had only one child. But I kept meeting people with six children. And it’s challenging being a vegan in China, like I am — but the best vegan restaurant I’ve come across in the world is in Beijing.”

Sure wish Benjamin had mentioned that awesome vegan restaurant in Beijing. It might come in handy for some of you international travelers.

Have you had any overseas veg dieting challenges?

Read the entire story on Benjamin at entertainment.timesonline.co.uk.

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One Response to “Benjamin Zephaniah: Best Vegan Restaurant Is In Beijing, China”

  1. Mitch Says:

    Wonder what a vegan restaurant in China is like? I’m thinking PF Chang’s tofu dishes but even better…Think I’m hungry now. 🙂