Quantcast Vegetarian StarGuy Fieri Rebelled Against Parents’ Vegetarian, Macrobiotic Wishes

Guy Fieris Bring It T-ON-G Grilling Challenge

If you’re looking for the next vegetarian Food Network cook, keep driving past Guy Fieri.

This Guy (pun intended) is so repulsed by that diet that he started fending for himself at a very young age to avoid his parents’ cooking.

From People.com:

“My parents were into macrobiotic cooking—vegetarian, nondairy, whole grains, no red meat. I started cooking when I was 10 because I just couldn’t eat that stuff.”

Guy’s story brings up an important area of discussion many have over the question of forcing a vegetarian diet on their children.

Should veg parents make their kids follow the lifestyle too? At least until they’re old enough to make their own decisions about their food (or old enough to earn money to buy their own groceries?)?

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One Response to “Guy Fieri Rebelled Against Parents’ Vegetarian, Macrobiotic Wishes”

  1. Guy Fieri “Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives” Gets Vegetarian Friendly Says:

    […] those dishes, considering he claims the vegan, macrobiotic meals his parents served him as a child scarred him for life, forcing him to ask in adulthood if bacon could count as a […]