Quantcast Vegetarian StarGillian Anderson Writes Letter Urging For Protection Of Lab Animals

20th Century Fox World Premiere of The X-Files: I Want To BelieveGillian Anderson would like the X Files on animal abuse in testing laboratories closed forever.

The actress has personally written a letter to every Member of the European Parliament (MEB), asking they take steps necessary to protect animals involved in research.

The Parliament is considering a law that could improve the conditions of laboratory animals in Europe.

Gillian is insistent that the law contain the following protections for animals:

• Promote effective, humane and relevant methods to replace animal experiments. This must be at the heart of EU policy.

• Ensure that no experiments are conducted on animals unless a licence is issued by government authorities in advance (this is already the law in many European countries and is vital for animals’ protection).

• Ensure that no animal is ever exposed to severe, prolonged pain.

• Make real progress towards ending the use of all non-human primates in experiments and take decisive

Read Gillian’s entire letter at blog.peta.org/uk.

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3 Responses to “Gillian Anderson Writes Letter Urging For Protection Of Lab Animals”

  1. Gilian Fan Says:

    Awesome. I haven’t seen much of her in awhile. So cool to know she cares about animals so much.

  2. Missy Says:

    I wonder how the laws in the US differ from those in Europe? I always thought that Europe was much more progressive, so I wonder if we should be asking for similar protections for animals in US laboratories.

  3. Natasha Says:

    I’m so happy Gillian wrote letters! She’s so kind hearted and talented!