Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley: Patrick Ewing Suffers Excessive Meat Consumption

MusicMogul.com Launch Party

Whoa! John Salley just called a few players out!

Charles Barkley, Rich Mahorn, and Patrick Ewing to be exact.

These are the guys Salley thinks suffer “excessive meat consumption,” and could stand to go for veggie rehab!

From the Huffington Post:

“Most athletes have no idea how to eat. Most athletes have no idea that they’re suffering — proven fact. When you look at guys with bodies like Charles Barkley, Rich Mahorn, Patrick Ewing — you see how big Patrick Ewing’s gotten? They think when you get older you get fat. That’s not true. Not true. So it has to be that they can’t develop they can’t get rid of the … (pauses) … I went to a couple of these guys and told them I would help them.”

Oh, no he didn’t. But he should be.

On Why He Went Vegan
“I was a vegetarian until I realized that — how can I say — I don’t eat the animal but I eat the things that come out of the animal’s ass; the egg. I mean, people eat the spoiled milk of a cow that a calf won’t even eat. I mean a cow won’t even drink that and I’m feeding it to my kids? That’s crazy. So I decided I wasn’t doing that. I gave that up.”

Read the rest of the interview with John Salley at Huffingtonpost.com.

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2 Responses to “John Salley: Patrick Ewing Suffers Excessive Meat Consumption”

  1. Chuck E. No-Cheese Says:

    Sometimes you have to call it like it is, Salley. LOL!

  2. Natasha Says:

    Smart guy!