Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney, Woody Harrelson “Brownest” Celebs On Earth Day

MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 - Show

Foxnews.com has compiled a list of celebrities who have proven to be less than green on some occasions. A couple of vegheads made the hall of shame.

Like Woody Harrelson, for example. The actor who swears by the solar panel had an attachment to some clothing worst than Linus and his blanket. He had his favorite vegan shoes and belt flown from his California home to the Cannes Film Festival in France. Yeah, that’s so eco-friendly. NOT.

Then there’s our man Paul McCartney. If you think it’s fuel inefficient to fly shoes and a belt, think about carrying a car through the friendly skies.

“He even bought a hybrid vehicle to cut down on his personal footprint. But the ex-Beatle made just one minor misstep. He had the car specially flown from Japan, creating more emissions with one flight than the car will ever save in its lifetime. Nice try, Paul.”

But at least these guys have offset their eco-sins with a veg diet. The remaining celebrities on the hall of shame can’t take that credit.

Visit Foxnews.com to read about the eco-sins of Celine Dion, John Travolta, Elizabeth Hurley, David Beckham, Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tom Cruise.

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One Response to “Paul McCartney, Woody Harrelson “Brownest” Celebs On Earth Day”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Who Would You: Woody Harrelson Or Paul McCartney Says:

    […] Star Celebrity Vegetarian Gossip And News Paul McCartney, Woody Harrelson “Brownest” Celebs On Earth Day » Who Would You: Woody Harrelson Or Paul […]