Quantcast Vegetarian StarHerschel Walker Fakes Chicken Skills, Gets Fired By Donald Trump

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The Celebrity Apprentice candidates are dropping faster than the real hairs on Donald Trump’s head did before he put whatever creature of a hairpiece is currently living there now.

Heisman Trophy winner and former running back Herschel Walker is the latest to get the ax. 

The apprentices were given the task of creating a healthy frozen meal for a large company which produces frozen entrees. Herschel led his team with the idea of soy ginger chicken. But dude should never have advocated the chicken dish, given the fact that he’s vegetarian. And that’s probably why he paid the price.

The meal wasn’t exactly the most palatable. Anna Pickard at the Guardian, had a funny way of describing the ordeal:

“The orange helps a lot, and it’s presented: Asian Orange Chicken, quickly renamed to Orange Asian-style chicken when someone notices it’s not ACTUALLY Asian and has never had an Asian person remotely near it: and that something that sounds like ‘Agent Orange Chicken’ might not be a great selling point.”

Yes, Agent Orange, DNA mutating chicken is definitely bad for business.

Unfortunately, Trump was into turkey balls that night and no amount of Agent Orange could mutate him into saving Herschel.

Said Trump, “I love you. I love you Herschel. I love you. I’m not a gay man, but I love you. And you’re fired.”

When Herschel admitted he wasn’t a meat eater, Donald asked why he chose to be in charge of it. It was because that dreadful dog eating Joan Rivers pushed for it. 

via guardian.co.uk and realitytvmagazine.com

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3 Responses to “Herschel Walker Fakes Chicken Skills, Gets Fired By Donald Trump”

  1. Rick Says:

    He could have at least tried a pasta and vegetable dish. Those are popular among non vegetarians. Tofu might not be as universal, but Italian always is!

  2. Carol Leifer “Celebrity Apprentice”–Business Of Funny And Vegan Says:

    […] given the task of creating frozen meals for a large company, Walker chose to take charge, even though he was a […]

  3. Carol Leifer Or Herschel Walker–Who Would You Says:

    […] animal charity), while Herschel Walker got the pink slip after he failed trying to make executive decisions about chicken when he doesn’t even eat […]