Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Tovah Feldshuh Likes Her Tofu And Veggies

Opening Of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"
“It’s not that extraordinary. I like to go to Orso, ‘cause it’s right next to the theater. I love to go to the Harvard Club, where we’re members. I love to go to Daniel. Oh, my god, Bouley—way downtown; it’s brand new; it’s extraordinary. I went there for one lunch. I love little Chez Josephine, when I’m playing 42nd Street—Restaurant Row—I love to do Jean-Claude at Chez Josephine. You know, I go to the places that patronize me, that are good to me, and that are easy on me. Sardi’s always takes care of me—I always have their steamed vegetables and tofu ‘cause I’m dieting. I love the bread—the extraordinary, very, very, thin, paper-thin bread, that’s garlic and thyme, at Orso’s. I love the Harvard Club ‘cause they know me. I’ve been a member all my life, through my father, my husband, and my son. I love The Ivy restaurant in London. I eat there a lot. And I love The Ivy in Los Angeles, on Melrose. And I love The Wolseley in London. It’s fantastic. It was an old bank, like tonight [Gotham Hall], an old bank.”

—-singer, actress, and playwright Tovah Feldshuh on where she likes to eat in New York.

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