Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Phil McGraw Drops The “V” Word: Oh, No. He Did Not Go There.

Dr. Phil McGraw Drops The “V” Word: Oh, No. He Did Not Go There.

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 16th, 2009 in TV Hosts.

Dr. Phil & Robin McGraw Debut Her New Book At Kmart

Yes, indeed he did go there.

On one of his recent shows, Dr. Phil McGraw was introducing his latest Jerry Springer couple dilemma where the two had grown apart.

What potential irreconcilable differences exist? Well, one’s a darn vegan for goodness sakes!

From Vegdaily.com:

“As Mr. Oprah was welcoming the couple he finished the dramatic intro by saying, ” … and now he’s an angry atheist and vegan. (pause) Do those two go together?””

If we wanted to play Dr. Phil, we could analyze this for deeper meaning. Are vegans angry? Margaret Cho thinks so.

Yeah, nothing like sticking the tofu to your spouse to ruin the relationship.

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2 Responses to “Dr. Phil McGraw Drops The “V” Word: Oh, No. He Did Not Go There.”

  1. Chuck E. No-Cheese Says:

    Maybe the vegan spouse is dropping hints: You’re unhealthy and disgusting. It’s time to make a change.

  2. Demi Says:

    Ha! “Mr. Oprah.”….Everyone knows Dr. Phil is O’s b-tch. Wonder when he’s going to do his vegan cleanse.