Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlex Greenwald Hates Meat: On His Plate And On Women

Alex Greenwald Hates Meat: On His Plate And On Women

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 16th, 2009 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

In-Store Appearance By Phantom Planet At Virgin Records

Alex Greenwald of the band Phantom Planet has been spotted walking around with model Agyness Deyn and the UK Sun decided to poke fun of his veganness and choice of thin women.

Greenwald doesn’t like any meat, the Sun claims-especially on his women.

“The pair were spotted leaving her New York pad – and this one could have legs…And as a militant vegan he does ads for PETA. No wonder he likes Agy, she hasn’t an ounce of meat on her.”

Greenwald stopped eating meat in college when he made a bet with his then girlfriend. He was going to quit meat and she was going to quit smoking. She couldn’t give up the cigs and he won.

Visit thesun.co.uk to view pics of Greenwald and Agy.

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One Response to “Alex Greenwald Hates Meat: On His Plate And On Women”

  1. meleena Says:

    the pictures of her don’t make her look that frail and thin. maybe she’s a vegan too.