Quantcast Vegetarian StarPadma Lakshmi Discusses Her Hotdog Without The Dog Days

Padma Lakshmi Discusses Her Hotdog Without The Dog Days

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 15th, 2009 in Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

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Ex vegetarian turned Hardee’s burger food porn star Padma Laskshmi recently discussed her earliest food memories of New York.

Apparently even when she was vegetarian, the Top Chef host wasn’t doing food right. Hot dog bun with relish anyone?

“Looking back, I’m amazed how much we ate street food. My perfect meal would be a pretzel with mustard and then an Italian ice. I was a vegetarian for a lot of my childhood, so I would order a hot dog but tell him to leave the hot dog out—just the bun and the fixings, like sauerkraut and mustard and relish.”

Um, a trip to the falafel cart for some high protein chickpeas stuffed in pita bread would have made for a more nutritious vegetarian meal. This is even worse than the vegetarians who just start eating cheese all day.

So now we know. Poor Padma just never learned what good vegetarian food was.

Even insects on hot dog bun sound more appetizing.

via nymag.com

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One Response to “Padma Lakshmi Discusses Her Hotdog Without The Dog Days”

  1. Natasha Says:

    LOL ! Another actress with no brain. What a surprise!