Quantcast Vegetarian StarNellie McKay’s Shelter Dog Adoption Offsets Obama Kennel Choice

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Animal lovers across the nation are disappointed that the Obamas have chosen to go with a dog from a kennel versus a shelter due to allergies in the family.

While some feel this is a setback for rescue animals, we’re ecstatic to bring you the news that another shelter dog has indeed been given its earthy wings and will be living high with singer-songwriter Nellie McKay.

McKay performed at VegFest in Denver this past weekend and Susanna Speier, who blogs as theĀ Denver Sustainable City Examiner, had a chance to watch her that evening, where it was revealed Nellie has recently adopted a pit bull.

“In effort to end this on a somewhat brightish not, I shall also inform you that Nellie McKay is now a proud new parent. Although, Denver’s strict pit bull regulations, precluded the golden hearted singer/songwriter from being able to bring him to Denver with her, his newly adapted presence was with her in spirit, throughout the night. And yes, in case you are wondering, Nellie McKay chose to rescue a shelter dog.”

Sweet deal. Karma works in ways you couldn’t imagine. If you’re interested in adding more magic to the shelter pet pot, visit the Humane Society or rescue shelter in your area.

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4 Responses to “Nellie McKay’s Shelter Dog Adoption Offsets Obama Kennel Choice”

  1. busy bee Says:

    Well, good for her!

    Pit bulls are some of the cutest, sweetest dogs. It’s a shame so many irresponsible owners neglect them, causing the dogs to act out and earn bad reputations.

    Didn’t know the city of Denver had a ban on them. That’s kind of scary, to think that people want to eliminate entire breeds of animals (which, if you ban people from owning them, that’s essentially what you’re doing) due to ignorance.

  2. busy bee Says:

    And she looks friggin’ gorgeous!

  3. Sammy Says:

    Glad to know your fighting to help rescue dogs and animals alike

    Dogpile.com just launched a new site called http://www.DoGreatGood.com – and their donating a portion of there revnue to Petfinder and the ASPCA.

    Glad to know theres a way we can help dog adoption programs at no cost.

    Love the site – keep it up!!!

  4. Dog Carriers Says:

    There are some people who are great at training dogs including pit bulls. I agree, I think a lot of it is in how the dogs are treated and trained.