Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayor Michael Bloomberg Strictly Vegetarian At NY Steakhouse

Mayor Bloomberg Opens Campaign Offices Across The City

Is Mayor Michael Bloomberg vegetarian? The New York Post is hinting so.

The wealthiest resident in New York city dined at Morton’s Steakhouse in Brooklyn eating “onion soup, broccoli and grilled asparagus.”

Sounds like Bloomberg pulled a Patrick Stump in the steakhouse.

Bloomberg sampled other treats, including the specially prepared for his  crew homemade empañadas, but refrained from eating meat and was “strictly vegetarian.”

If Bloomer is veggie, it would be great for him to come out of the veg closet and let New Yorkers know how awesome it is, even if he flexes.

Now how about putting NY Veg Day on the next city council agenda!

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