Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Wants A Shirtless Barack Obama For PETA?

Who Wants A Shirtless Barack Obama For PETA?

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 11th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

US President-elect Barack Obama enjoys shave ice with friends and family in Hawaii

Just when you think you’ve heard everything about President Obama, new news surfaces.

In 2006, when Barack was an Illinois senator, he wrote a letter to PETA condemning the Canadian seal hunt.

Yes, THE PETA. Who knew Barack had such animal lovin’ roots!

“I share your concerns about the Canadian seal hunt,” Obama wrote in a letter to the organization, dated April 13, 2006.

“As you know, Canada annually opens its eastern waters to commercial seal hunting. The United States and European Union have been unified in their opposition to the slaughter of seals by passing legislation decades ago to restrict the sale of seal-based products within their borders.”

“I certainly believe in the spirit of these acts; the U.S. should not condone this recent Canadian action.”

Much ado has been made about the level of physical fitness of the current president. (Shirtless photo, shirtless photo, shirtless photo.)

Would it be inappropriate for us to suggest the President of the United States to take off his shirt for PETA in the name of animals? Even jokingly? We certainly hope not. 

One thing’s for sure, it’s definitely appropriate for Obama to continue to champion for animals while in office. 

Source: thestar.com via ecorazzi.com

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One Response to “Who Wants A Shirtless Barack Obama For PETA?”

  1. busy bee Says:

    What can I say? Obama is a sexy man. Would love to see him topless for a PETA ad.