Quantcast Vegetarian StarDame Kelly Holmes Eats Veg With Michelle Obama, No Reports On Touching

World Leaders Arrive At Downing Street For Dinner Ahead Of The G20 Summit

There’s a lot of hoopla going around the web about Michelle Obama touching the Queen during a recent visit to Buckingham Palace.

We don’t know if there was any touching going on at this particular event, but a dinner where a famous British athlete preferred the veggie option is worth talking about.

Dame Kelly Holmes is a double Olympic gold medalist who has set British records in several middle distance running categories, including 600, 800, 1,000, and 1,500 meters distances.

She recently had lunch with First Lady Michelle Obama to celebrate the G20 summit.

Dame Kelly gave kudos to the vegetarian meal of goats cheese starter and potato dumpling.

We’re not sure if she sampled the meat dishes or if she doesn’t eat meat, but it’s cool she preferred the veggie option!

via kentnews.co.uk

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One Response to “Dame Kelly Holmes Eats Veg With Michelle Obama, No Reports On Touching”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    With a physique like that, she should “bare arms” like Michelle Obama did for the Vogue magazine. Wow! I can only dream.