Quantcast Vegetarian StarChef Doesn’t Know Secret: Natalie Portman’s Vegan

A Powerful Noise Live

The folks at Chef’s Secret on E. 45th Street in New York city have what you call an obsess-much for vegan actress Natalie Portman.

It seems they’ve named a salad after her. But like Emmylou Harris wasn’t too pleased with being told she was like bacon and made everything better, Natalie probably wouldn’t be too thrilled at the “Natalie Portman” salad consisting of “lobster, seaweed and strawberry served with Wasabi and Japanese mayonnaise.”



What on earth is this craziness? You might call it honoring. You might call it disturbing. One thing’s for sure: Any fan of Natalie who loves her enough to name a salad after her should know not to name a SEAFOOD salad after her.

New Yorkers, you may want to stop by and let these guys in on the secret: Natalie’s got no room for lobster love on the menu.

via Midtownlunch.com via Eater.com

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4 Responses to “Chef Doesn’t Know Secret: Natalie Portman’s Vegan”

  1. Drew Says:

    Leave off the lobster and it doesn’t sound all that bad.

  2. busy bee Says:

    I wouldn’t pay $14.95 for any salad.

  3. Natasha Says:

    How disgusting! They think more people will buy their cruel crap if celebs are named after it! How lame!

  4. Shaydie Says:

    Not only is she vegan, she’s Jewish — she wouldn’t be eating that either way!