Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoe Biden Gets A+ On Humane Society Pro-Animal Report Card

Biden swears-in Kirk as US Trade Rep in Washington

The Humane Society Legislative Fund has a list just like Santa that its checking more than twice. And every nice or naughty politician will have to answer how their actions contributed to animal welfare.

The Humane Scorecard Booklet is designed to let everyone know where politicians stand on animal rights.

The Scorecard currently shows the 110th Congress “made significant progress on animal protection legislation, including banning the import of puppies from foreign breeding mills, strengthening the federal law on animal fighting, and providing safeguards against tainted ingredients in pet food.”

Several government officials received a score of a “1oo+” including  Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Diane Feinstein (Calif.), John Kerry (Mass.), Carl Levin (Mich.), and vice president Joe Biden.

Politicians earn points on the scorecard through several measures involving either voting or taking action against animal rights. Those earning the highest ratings of 100+  were the prime sponsors of pro-animal legislation that became law. Points can also be earned through co-sponsorship of bills and boosting funding for the enforcement of animal welfare laws.

Biden racked up points for co-sponsoring bills against animal fighting and horse slaughter. 

Check to see how your favorite politician scored this time around on The Humane Scorecard.

via cnsnews.com

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3 Responses to “Joe Biden Gets A+ On Humane Society Pro-Animal Report Card”

  1. Future Mrs. Robert Pattinson Says:

    Cool. Good to know they’re keeping track. I’ll have to study it more carefully to keep myself informed on the politics of veg.

  2. Principia Says:

    Thank you for the report card. Because of HS backing of Biden last year when he got his little Champ, I now donate to HS.

    I love Joe Biden for many reasons, and am so grateful he is our VP. When someone treats animals with respect and love, they tend to treat their fellow humans likewise. I watch how elected officials treat animals, and if they have dogs or cats etc. It means a lot to me. I especially want to know that our farm animals have the best lives possible.

    Thank you for such wonderful work.

  3. Joe Biden Gets A+ On Humane Society Pro-Animal Report Card | Food For Thought Says:

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