Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Cloris Leachman Or Cicely Tyson

Who Would You: Cloris Leachman Or Cicely Tyson

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 1st, 2009 in Actresses, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.

Since we’ve already featured the mature gentlemen, it’s only fair to do the mature ladies edition. Eighty-two year old Cloris Leachman pitted against 75 year old Cicely Tyson. Leachman has just unveiled her lettuce leaves PETA ad. Tyson says she treats her body like a car, only putting the best veggie fuel in it. We won’t tell you which woman claims to have had “epic sex” with Gene Hackman. You’ll have to dig through the archives to find out. So between the two ladies…who would you rather do?

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One Response to “Who Would You: Cloris Leachman Or Cicely Tyson”

  1. Laura Says:

    I’ve voting based on one of my favorite novels read in an English course I took in high school, The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Cicely starred in the movie and she did a great job!

    But what on earth is Cloris doing with her boobs?!