Quantcast Vegetarian StarCloris Leachman Reveals What She Could Have Worn For Gene Hackman


If you’ve heard enough about Cloris Leachman’s epic sex with Gene Hackman (arrgh…doesn’t it bring thoughts of your grandmother telling this story?), here’s some news that provides a little less TMI.

Cloris recently unveiled her PETA vegetarian ad in Times Square.

The “Let Vegetarianism Grow on You,” ad features Cloris clad in only red cabbage and leaf lettuce. You can view a behind the scenes video on PETA’s blog.

Wonder if she wore something like this for Gene…no, no, no. Remove images from thought processes.

We’re completely siked that Cloris is stripping down to her lettuce leaves in the name of vegetarianism. Plus, she makes a great face for the argument that a veg diet can help you grow old gracefully. The former Dancing With The Stars contestant is 82 years young and still shakin’ it.

We won’t ask questions about her current sex life, but it’s safe to say she hasn’t aged there either. Go Clo!

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2 Responses to “Cloris Leachman Reveals What She Could Have Worn For Gene Hackman”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    Looks great. Hope I can look this good at her age.

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Cloris Leachman Juice Fast Cured “Cluster Of Maladies” Says:

    […] and Dancing With The Stars contestant is a strong advocate of the diet, posed for PETA for the Let Vegetarianism Grow On You campaign, and even chided a fan during her book signing for drinking soda […]