Quantcast Vegetarian StarMiranda Kerr Went PINK For Victoria’s Secret Vegan Line

Victorias Secret Model Launch Event

Hmm…which vegan product do I like the most? Does it matter, since I’m a gorgeous model who can afford them all?

Yes, Miranda Kerr was a lucky woman recently as she got to help Victoria’s Secret launch an event in Los Angeles.

Here she’s standing next to the company’s new line of vegan, organic products, PINK.

PINK products contain natural things like soy milk, come in eco-friendly packaging and are completely animal friendly, being both vegan and not tested on animals.

We must say standing next to the product line makes her look even better. Hopefully, she went home and slathered some of that cruelty-free goodness all over her body. 

This Victoria’s Secret Angel has just earned an extra pair of wings!

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