Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnne Hathaway Goes Beyond Skin For Vegan Shoes

Anne Hathaway Goes Beyond Skin For Vegan Shoes

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 20th, 2009 in Fashion.

Valentino: The Last Emperor New York Premiere - Arrivals

An affordable, ethical, vegan shoe? Get outta here!

Yes you can have your feet and vegan too with Beyond Skin, a company that specializes in completely leather-free, PVC-free (so eco-friendly too),  shoes at a price for which you won’t fork over an entire paycheck.

Vegetarian and vegan celebrities like Anne Hathaway, Chrissie Hynde, Emily Deschanel, Leona Lewis, and Natalie Portman have all found these to be suitable for their star-likeness, so you know you’ll be walking around in class.

A representative from Beyond Skin, Natalie, recently spoke to GirlieGirlArmy about the line.

Do you ever get tired of explaining why you create non-leather shoes?
We don’t always hammer home the fact we are a leather-free label, as we have found that it tends to turn non vegetarians off before you have even introduced them to the product.  We prefer to approach our sales with the aesthetic of the product first and the leather and cruelty-free element comes later.  It is however, incredibly important to open dialogue about why we do not use certain materials and educate people on the impact and the how’s and why’s.  Plus most importantly we are passionate about it which often has an important affect when people witness the sincerity of what we are saying.

What is your personal favorite shoe you have ever designed?  Why?
One of my personal favourites from our line is the Cherub shoe.  It is comfortable, quirky and has a retro feel with a contemporary shape.  I have them in red faux felt and everyone always asked about them whenever I trot about in them.

Beyond Skin

Beyond Skin

For the entire interview and to learn more about Beyond Skin, visit GirlyGirlArmy.

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