MTV Showing Factory Farms Between Jonas Brothers Videos
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Misc Artists and Performers, Pop Culture.
Not long ago, we brought you the news that MTV would be airing a series of pro-vegetarian ads sponsored by animal rights group Compassion Over Killing (COK).
The group started airing such ads back in 2004, and recently launched their 2009 campaign, which feature the gruesome, behind the scenes look at factory farms.
So how has it been going?
For the most part, good, according to Erica Meier, executive director of COK, who was recently interviewed by QSR magazine. A few highlights from the interview:
Why air them almost exclusively on MTV?
Studies have shown that teen and young-adult audiences are most receptive to a message of vegetarian eating. They’re more willing to explore new foods and change their diets.
Why do the commercials focus so heavily on graphic images of animal cruelty?
Since most people will never visit a factory farm, and since the industry attempts to keep a lot of these practices well hidden behind closed doors, we are striving to bring the factory farms to the audiences to show them that this is the reality of where our food is coming from.
Hooray for Compassion Over Killing for reaching out to the younger crowd. And sure, the Jonas Brothers are cute and all, but you really need a break from them every once in awhile.
Visit QSR magazine for the entire interview.
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March 25th, 2009 at 1:14 pm
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