Quantcast Vegetarian StarTiger Woods Wanted Naked For His Stripes

Tiger Woods Wanted Naked For His Stripes

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 18th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.

Tavistock Cup Day 2

PETA wants Tiger Woods to do a hole in one wearing none.

Actually, they’ll settle for him stripping down to the essentials to stand up for tigers and other animals in circuses.

They’re hoping he’ll ditch the traditional polo shirt and club for some stripes painted on his body and a sign educating people about the abuse that animals endure.

An excerpt from the letter to the golfer:

“We’re writing to you today with an interesting request. As one of the most successful and celebrated golfers in history, we believe that you could use both your influence and your distinctive first name to help bring attention to the suffering of tigers and other wild animals who are abused in circuses. Would you consider having your body painted to resemble a tiger and then sit in a cage to protest the cruel treatment of tigers, elephants, bears, and other wild animals in circuses? Not only are these animals beaten, shocked, and whipped to make them perform tricks that are confusing and meaningless to them, they are also caged or chained for up to 95 percent of their miserable lives.”


Tiger would make a nice male addition to the heavily female advertisements ran by the group, but somehow, with his clean-cut image, we find it hard to image him doing the stripe-tease.

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