Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmily Deschanel Screams Ed Begley’s Name When Lights Go Out

2009 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter - Arrivals

Doesn’t the title make this story sound hot? Emily Deschanel screaming “Ed Begley” in the dark? It’s only in the name of being eco-friendly, though. Sorry to disappoint those looking for something more titillating.

The vegan star of Fox’s “Bones” recently did an interview with Health where she revealed environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. played a key role in inspiring her to go green. She says his name aloud if she forgets to turn the lights off in her home. 

“If I leave a light on in my house, which I try not to do, I always say, “Ed Begley, you gotta turn it off.” If I don’t turn it off, my assistant or boyfriend will say, “Ed Begley!””

Emily has been a great proselytizer for the veg life, getting her co-star David Boreanaz to do vegetarian for one day of the week. She even got the recently removed Chairman of Fox, Peter Ligouri, to go vegan, which she considers her proudest green achievement.

“We were at a party, and I said, ‘You’d make a big difference by just trying it for a week.’ I sent him food, and he really stuck to it.”

When asked if she was an ideal eater, Deschanel replied, “Oh my god, I’m not a perfect eater by any means, and I don’t believe in starving yourself. I believe in eating healthfully and being balanced—and being balanced in your mind as well as in your body”

Visit Health to read the entire interview with Emily.

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2 Responses to “Emily Deschanel Screams Ed Begley’s Name When Lights Go Out”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Ed Begley Jr. Recounts His Early Environmental, Vegetarian Days Says:

    […] Hollywood star to demonstrate this than Ed Begley, Jr. After all, it is his name Bones actress Emily Deschanel screams in the dark in the name of saving […]

  2. The Green Quote: Emily Deschanel Gets Former Chairman of Fox To Go VEGAN! | Ecorazzi Says:

    […] via: vegetarianstar.com […]