Quantcast Vegetarian StarNewsweek’s David Noonan Likes Annoying Non-Vegans

Newsweek’s David Noonan Likes Annoying Non-Vegans

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 17th, 2009 in Journalists.

Veg Daily

Veg Daily

Senior Editor at Newsweek, David Noon, was inspired to embark on a 28-day vegan diet by the book, The Engine 2 Diet.

You know some say that once you go vegan you never go back to meatan, and that’s exactly what happened with Noonan.  Two months later, he’s still going vegan strong and has lost 12 pounds. Not to mention he’s marveling in the fact he gets to annoy the non-vegans.

From a recent article in Newsweek:

“Much to my surprise, more than two months later I am still a vegan. I am also 12 pounds lighter and I have substantially more energy than I did when I was a flesh eater. (That’s the term I use now to describe people who eat meat; annoying non-vegans, I have found, is one of the best things about being a vegan.)”

While David is having a blast making fun of the flesh-eaters, he’s still struggling with some old cravings, like pizza.

“How easy it would be to go out for a couple of slices of pizza right now. Only I feel so much healthier today than I did just a few weeks ago. I haven’t had my cholesterol checked since the fall (it was 209), but I’m confident that it has dropped significantly because, as Esselstyn’s book amply documents, that’s what happens when you become a plant eater. So I’m sticking with the program. I’ll skip the pizza and have a big salad or one of those damn PBJs for lunch instead. And tonight I’ll have some roasted vegetables and maybe a beer (a plant-based beverage, thank you very much). And tomorrow I’ll be older, but I still won’t be fat.”

Of course, once David does some more investigative journalism into vegan foods, we’re sure he’ll discover all the awesome vegan substitutes for the things he’s missing-like making a homemade pizza with cheese made from cashews and almond milk.

Source: Newsweek via Veg Daily

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One Response to “Newsweek’s David Noonan Likes Annoying Non-Vegans”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Engine 2 Diet’s Rip Esselstyn: Real Men Eat Plants, Boys Eat Meat Says:

    […] book, which helped Newsweek’s David Noonan go vegan and lose weight, was written after being inspired to go veg from his father’s research. His father, Dr. […]