Quantcast Vegetarian StarMa Po CloFu: George Clooney Tofu

Ma Po CloFu: George Clooney Tofu

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 13th, 2009 in Actors, Food & Drink.

The Newseum Hosts A Screening Of

Come again?

No, you heard correctly. Someone wants to make a George Clooney flavored tofu. Oh, come on, you know who.

PETA paparazzi somehow got ahold of a gym towel that was soaked in the actor’s sweat. Through magic vegetarian chants (well, actually it’s a combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry) chemists can isolate his odor characteristics, which can be extracted and blended into your tofu smoothie or stir fry.

Yep, that’ll get people to go vegetarian.

G to the R to the O to the double S!

Says PETA from its blog:

“Some people don’t try tofu because they expect it to taste bland, but we know it can absorb any taste—so CloFu could make your taste buds and your heart melt. Of course, what’s even better is that after everyone gets a piece of George and realizes how delicious tofu truly is, diets will be revolutionized.”

The group wrote to Clooney personally, asking him what he thought of the idea:

“We have been offered some of your perspiration, apparently taken from a towel at a gym in Washington, D.C. We are big fans, and this prospect has given us an interesting idea that we hope will amuse you too.”

“The technology actually exists to take your perspiration and make it into George Clooney–flavored tofu (CloFu). We could do that and give the tofu away.”

Well, if it’s free…the economy is getting tough, you know.

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