Quantcast Vegetarian StarRob Schneider Does The Veggie Bean And Weenies?

Rob Schneider Does The Veggie Bean And Weenies?

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 11th, 2009 in Actors, Comedians, Food & Drink.

Is Rob Schneider a vegetarian?

The comedian and actor has had starring roles in Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo and The Hot Chick and has been a veteran on Saturday Night Live.

A question on RobSchneider.com asked, “If you were to be a spokesperson for a new Hormel food product what would it be for?”

Rob’s answer was, “Vegetarian bean and weenie pockets.” 

Does Rob do veggie? Or does he just like vegetarian products?

If he is veg, and knew about all the alleged Hormel sins, maybe he would have picked another company.

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