Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmber Benson Twitters Her Veggie Udon Snacking

Amber Benson Twitters Her Veggie Udon Snacking

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 10th, 2009 in Actresses, Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Celebrities are taking full advantage of Twitter these days, serving as their own paparazzi.

Amber Benson, the actress best known for playing Tara Macclay in the TV series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, recently Twittered (or is it Twitted?) what she was chowing down on to get her strength up before a book signing event.

“Eating veggie udon to get my strength up before the 4 o’clock signing at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego.”

Yes, this gal is multi-talented. Actress, writer, film director, and film producer who considers herself one of those “pescetarians,” although she was full time vegetarian for 14 years. 

Amber’s recent Twitter entry makes a little more sense than vegetarian screen star Russell Brand, who humorously claimed to be an inhumanely farmed animal who milked himself, the ingestion of cheese made from his own products rendering him not fully vegan.

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