Quantcast Vegetarian StarTom DeLonge, Mr. Macbeth Shoes, Speaks To Sneaker Freaker

2008 Voodoo Experience - Day 1

Tom DeLonge is known for being the guitarist and vocalist for the musical group Blink-182, as well as Angels & Airwaves. He’s also the brains behind Macbeth Footwear, with all its vegan shoe brands designed for celebrities such as Tegan and Sara and Frank Iero.

He spoke to Sneaker Freaker about Macbeth shoes:

Where does the brand name derive from? Are you a literature buff?
The theme of Macbeth, the Shakespearean play, tells of a basic truth, in that riches gained through unethical methods are less than worthless and we try to ingrain that in our company ethos. It is an amazing play and if anyone has not read it, we highly recommend you do. That theme and name are timeless and we want our company to be timeless too, so the name just stuck.

You’ve been quoted as saying ‘Macbeth is about challenging yourself to find that which inspires you to be better, do better and to live with greater meaning’. How can a humble sneaker do all of that?
Through its charitable works and vegan program, we feel Macbeth challenges people to be a better person and establish a greater meaning in their life. When someone purchases a certain pair of shoes, because a portion of the proceeds go to a charity they believe in or because they are animal cruelty free, that person is doing their little part in a greater goal for the betterment of society.

Is that why you went vegan-friendly as well?
When Macbeth first started, we were working with and taking inspiration from the growing hardcore scene. Bands like Bane, Alkaline Trio, American Nightmare, H20, and Sick of it All, all supported Macbeth and asked for vegan-friendly shoes. From there the vegan program expanded into what it is today, still working with several bands like AFI and Circa Survive that live by vegan ideals.

To read the entire interview, visit Sneaker Freaker.

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