Quantcast Vegetarian StarJulia Louis-Dreyfus Feels Guilty For Not Being Vegetarian

julialouisdreyfusshapemlc6Julius-Louis Dreyfus is on the cover of the April issue of Shape magazine. Inside, the old “Seinfeld” sidekick and The New Adventures of Old Christine actress says she feels “guilty” for not being a vegetarian.

“I love vegetables— I should be a vegetarian, and I feel guilty saying I’m not,” says Julia. “But I like meat and chicken. So I buy organic foods whenever they’re available and shop at my local farmers’ market whenever I can. There’s something cozy about it. It’s a very friendly environment; you get to know the farmers. Plus, it’s better for the earth because the food is grown nearby, not flown in from some faraway place like South America.”

Has reading the teleprompter over all these years affected Julia’s vision? Has she not been to one of her “local” grocery stores and seen the abundant supply of fake chicken and other meats?

Thank goodness she’s at least getting her fruits and veggies local to help offset some of that meat and chicken carbon footprint.

“My biggest food vice is bacon,” she said. “In fact, I don’t keep bacon in my house — that would be way too tempting.”

There’s a substitute for that too, Julia.

Maybe the old Christine should go on some new adventures to the soy meat area the next time she goes shopping for some organic food.

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  1. Julia Louis-Dreyfus Has Meat-Eating Guilt For Not Being VEG // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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