Quantcast Vegetarian StarWill New Moon Have Peter Facinelli Running To Butcher Shop?

11th Annual Costume Designers Guild Awards

You can’t go to any news site on the web these days without hearing about the filming of the upcoming sequel to Twilight, New Moon.

Peter Facinelli will be returning to the set to play Dr. Carlisle Cullen and if his preparation is anything like it was for Twilight, he’ll be downing steak like it’s the last cow on earth. Disgusting!

“I started eating a lot more meat than I usually eat,” Facinelli said, when asked by Premier.com if he tried to be vegetarian to get into character for the role of a vegetarian vampire. Remember, these are only pseudo vegetarian vampires, because “vegetarian” to them, just means not eating humans.

“I was just hungry for red meat the whole time. So it kind of had a backwards effect on me, because normally I’m more on the vegetarian side. So with this, I was eating steak all the time.”

Normally on the vegetarian side? So normally, Peter doesn’t eat humans, hahahaha.

While his children with wife Jennie Garth were enjoying tofu stir-fry, he was sinking his fangs into beef. 

Hopefully, he’s gotten that out of his system and doesn’t need “re-schooling” to get back into character.

Hey Peter, just pretend your steak is cute little Bella and you’re Edward trying to fight off the urge to give her a big open mouth smooch and swallow.

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