Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnjelica Huston Speaks On Travis The Ape Tragedy

Anjelica Huston Speaks On Travis The Ape Tragedy

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 25th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.

2009 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter - Arrivals

“I was saddened to hear about the incident involving the chimpanzee, Travis, and my heart goes out to the woman who is now lying in a hospital bed as a result of this horrific attack.”

“Recently, I narrated a video for PETA about the abuse that chimpanzees and other great apes endure when they are ripped away from their mothers when only days old to be used in commercials (as Travis was) and movies. Although I was sick when I heard about this most recent incident, I wasn’t surprised.”

“I sincerely hope that this tragedy will make people realize that great apes should never be kept as pets or exploited for films, television, or advertising. Their lives are miserable from the day that they are taken from their mothers: They endure abusive training—usually beatings—until they are cast off to roadside zoos or meet a violent end, as Travis did in this tragic case.”

The video Anjelica narrated is below. 

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