Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegan Erykah Badu Twitters Natural Childbirth

Vegan Erykah Badu Twitters Natural Childbirth

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 3rd, 2009 in Children, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

3rd Annual Black Girls Rock! Awards

When this gal says natural, she really means it.

Erykah Badu made a statement not long ago that her children are being raised as organic vegans and she prefers natural births.

That means no drugs, folks.

Erykah is so serious about letting everyone know she’s natural, she and parter Jay Electronica blogged about it DURING THE CHILDBIRTH! Jay wrote:

“Labor has begun. Everybody standback. No hospitals. No doctors. No medicine. Were waiting on midwife to show up. I’m doing foot squeezes and foot rubs when the contractions hit…Ok… The midwife is here now and a few family members. Feels like a scene from the color purple. She’s dialated to 8 1/2 centimeters. Getting closer. She says she feels like she’s ready to push. Feb 1. 2009 my first child, my daughter was born at 1:30 pm exactly. Its the happiest day of my life.”

Congrats to the happy couple. Welcome to world vegan baby!

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